1. Accueil
  2. App HubbleClub
  4. Video Sleep Diary
  5. My Video Sleep Diary is unavailable. What can be the reason?
  1. Accueil
  2. App HubbleClub
  4. My Video Sleep Diary is unavailable. What can be the reason?

My Video Sleep Diary is unavailable. What can be the reason?

There are several reasons why you may not be able to view your Video Sleep Diary:

  1. You are not using our Free Trial at the moment, or you did not subscribe to our HubbleClub Premium Plan.
  2. Votre vidéo n'est pas disponible. Cela se produit lorsque: 
  • There were no motion events that day and thus there were no videos to create a compilation video. 
  • There were motion events, however, those videos contained very little activity in which case there is no material to create the compilation video either.
  • Motion Video Recording isn’t activated and thus the app generates snapshots instead of videos and again there were no videos to create the complication video. 
  • Your camera has been off or offline during the entire day.

Mis à jour le février 22, 2023

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