1. Inicio
  2. Aplicación HubbleClub
  4. Motion recording
  5. How much does the motion recording services cost?

How much does the motion recording services cost?

We offer 2 HubbleClub plans: HubbleClub for $2.99 and HubbleClub Premium for $4.99/month.

Once you create a HubbleClub account as a token of appreciation, we provide a HubbleClub membership worth $50 per year for free for 18 months. 

After these 18 months of using the HubbleClub plan for free, you will then can choose either to keep the HubbleClub plan for $2.99 per month with limited features or upgrade to the HubbleClub Premium plan and enjoy the app’s full potential. 

You can check both HubbleClub plan benefits at https://hubbleconnected.com/pages/the-app

Note that approximate prices are calculated based on your country of residence. Invoice prices will be calculated based on two of the following three criteria: 1. Your IP address. 2. Your billing country. 3. Credit Card issuing bank country.

Actualizado en febrero 24, 2023

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