1. Accueil
  2. App HubbleClub
  4. Motion recording
  5. Can I make manual snapshots and/or record manual recordings using the app?
  1. Accueil
  2. App HubbleClub
  4. Can I make manual snapshots and/or record manual recordings using the app?

Can I make manual snapshots and/or record manual recordings using the app?

Yes, sure it is possible. While viewing the video stream, tap the ‘Camera’ icon to reveal the in-app camera functions: capture image, record video, and gallery.

Tap on ‘Capture’ to take a snapshot or on ‘Record’ icon to start manual recording. 

Please note that manually recorded videos are not saved onto the Cloud. Instead, they are saved onto your mobile device, and you can access them from the tab ‘Gallery’ within the app.

La durée maximale pendant laquelle vous pouvez enregistrer manuellement une vidéo sur votre appareil intelligent est définie par la quantité de mémoire disponible sur cet appareil intelligent.

Mis à jour le Décembre 3, 2021

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