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  2. Aplicación HubbleClub
  4. Getting Started
  5. What Google Assistant options can I use with my HubbleClub app?

What Google Assistant options can I use with my HubbleClub app?

Below are the options that you can use with ‘Hubble Home’ skill:

Please note that for Hubble Home Skill the invocation name ‘Hubble Home’ is mandatory. After saying “Ok, Google”, you must use the invocation name “Hubble Home” before the command.

For example, “Ok, Google talk to Hubble Home and ask how hot it is?”


  • Name of device is not required in the command if the account has only one device.
  • Hubble Home works better when the device has the name. For example, like hall, living, kitchen, bedroom, nursery, laundry room, Jane’s room, etc.
  • Instead of ‘talk’ you can also use: launch, open, connect to Hubble Home, talk to Hubble baby.
Actualizado en noviembre 24, 2021

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