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  2. Aplicación HubbleClub
  4. How can I get a refund for my HubbleClub subscription (paid by credit card or PayPal)?

How can I get a refund for my HubbleClub subscription (paid by credit card or PayPal)?

HubbleClub subscription is renewed automatically until it is canceled. When you purchased the subscription, we sent you a confirmation email informing you of the automatic renewal as well you have agreed to HubbleClub Service Terms and Conditions while account creation.

You have a legal right to cancel your HubbleClub subscription during 7 days after your initial subscription and in such you are eligible for a full refund. Please note that an initial subscription is considered as a date when you first purchased the HubbleClub plan, not the renewal date.

If you wish to cancel after this period, we can cancel the subscription renewal but in accordance with our Refund Policy, we will not be able to refund the payment or make a prorated refund.

You can our refund policy at https://hubbleconnected.com/pages/hubble-service (par 12).

Actualizado en febrero 24, 2023

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