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  4. Why does my Guardian wearable battery discharge quickly?

Why does my Guardian wearable battery discharge quickly?

If you notice the wearable discharges quicker than normal, then it means Live Mode was active to provide you with more updates on a baby’s vitals.

We have introduced what we call “Live Mode” where we have increased the frequency of the HR and SP02 updates in the app per minute. With the Live Mode introduced, you will have a more real-time experience, but this Live Mode is active only when your HubbleClub app works in the foreground. Once the app goes to the background, the Live mode is paused, and the frequency of vitals reporting changes back to per 1 minute. We have added this option to increase customer’s experience when the app is in the foreground and you can see what matters most to them.

But please note that when Live Mode is active, the fully charged wearable can last 2-3 hours, while during the normal mode, it can last 11-12 hours.

Live mode = Vitals are updating 4 times per minute
Normal mode = Vitals are updating only once per minute.

Updated on September 12, 2023

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