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  4. What is ConnectChat™️ and how does it work?

What is ConnectChat™️ and how does it work?

ConnectChat™️ is designed so you (as a parent) and a child can send voice-recorded messages to each other.

How does it work?

From the child’s side:

  1. Press and hold ConnectChat™️ button to record a voice message.
  2. During recording, the backlight of the device will show an amber color and will be back to the original color when the voice message is sent successfully.
  3. You will receive an app notification that the child has recorded the message.

Please note that:

  • A single voice message can be recorded for max 20 seconds long. 
  • The child can record as many voice messages as they want. There is no restriction.
  • ConnectChat™️ button will blink if any new voice message is sent from parents.
  • The child can press the ConnectChat™️ button to listen to the voice message sent from parents. 

From the Parent side:

  1. Press “Record message” button in the app ConnectChat™️ screen to record a voice message.
  2. You can record up to 20 secs long message and then send it to the device. If the recording exceeds 20 sec, then it will automatically stop recording and show the option to send it to the device.
  3. If you would like to record another voice message, but the previous one is not read still, then you will get a notification that the new message will overwrite the previous one.
Updated on December 6, 2022

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