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  4. Hubble Baby Skill Commands
  5. What activities can I track using Hubble Baby Skill?
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  4. Getting Started
  5. What activities can I track using Hubble Baby Skill?

What activities can I track using Hubble Baby Skill?

‘Hubble Baby’ enables you to track following activities of baby through voice commands:

  • Diaper changes
  • Feeding logs
  • Sleep logs
  • Growth changes

Please note that for Hubble Baby Skill the invocation name ‘Hubble Baby’ is mandatory.  After saying “Alexa”, you must use the invocation name “Hubble Baby” before the command.

For example: ‘Alexa, ask Hubble baby to log a wet diaper’.

If there are more than one baby profiles in your Hubble account, you have to say the name of the baby profile while issuing the command. 

Updated on November 22, 2021

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