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  5. Commands for Feeding details using Hubble Baby Skill

Commands for Feeding details using Hubble Baby Skill

Commands to add feeding details:  


  • Name: Name given for the profiles
  • Duration: Duration of nursing in hours, minutes or seconds
  • Nursing Subtype: Nursing side (Left, Right, Both (Left and Right).

Command Format: 
Alexa, ask Hubble baby to log a nursing from {nursing subtype} of {duration} for {name}

Alexa, ask Hubble baby to log a nursing of 5 minutes from left for Jane
Alexa, ask Hubble baby to log a breast feeding from the left of ten minutes
Alexa, ask Hubble baby to log a breast feeding for Jane from the left


  • Only “Nursing Subtype” attribute is mandatory. Skill will ask the “nursing subtype” if the “nursing subtype” is not included in the command. 
  • “Nursing subtype” is nursing side. Left, Right and both are different nursing types.
  • Instead of log you can use track, add, create.

Commands to add feeding details using timers: 


  • Name: Name given for the profiles.
  • Side (Nursing subtype): Nursing side, Left, Right and both are different nursing types.
  • Nursing Timer Type: Start, Pause, Resume, Switch, Stop, Cancel.
Alexa, ask Hubble baby to start breast feeding for Jane on the right
Alexa, ask Hubble baby to pause breast feeding for Jane
Alexa, ask Hubble baby to resume breast feeding for Jane
Alexa, ask Hubble baby to switch nursing to the right for Jane
Alexa, ask Hubble baby to end nursing for Jane


  • Instead of start, pause, resume, end and cancel. You can use I started, I paused, I resumed, I canceled, I ended.
  • Only “side” and “Nursing Timer Type” attributes are mandatory. Skill will ask the side if the side is not included in the command. 

Commands to add bottle feedings:  


  • Name: Name given for the profiles
  • Quantity: Whole part of a number, for example If 4.5 is the bottle quantity 4 is the whole part and 5 is decimal part
  • Partial Quantity: Decimal part
  • Quantity Unit: Measurement unit of bottle quantity. Units are ounce and millilitres
  • Bottle Subtype: Bottle feeding can be “Formula Milk” or “Breast Milk”
  • Duration: Duration of bottle feedings.

Command Format:
Alexa, ask Hubble to log {bottle subtype} of {quantity} point {partial quantity} {quantity unit} of {duration} for {name}

Alexa, ask Hubble baby to log a formula bottle of 20 millilitres of 10 minutes for Jane
Alexa, ask Hubble baby to log a formula of 20 millilitres for Jane
Alexa, ask Hubble baby to log a breast milk bottle of ten minutes
Alexa, ask Hubble baby to log 20 point 10 millilitres of bottle feeding for 10 minutes


  • Instead of log, you can use add, save, track.
  • Only “quantity” attribute is mandatory to log a bottle feeding. Skill will prompt user to log bottle with quantity.
  • For other attributes, skill will ask “bottle subtype” and “quantity unit” if not specified in command.

Commands to add bottle feedings using timer:


  • Name: Name given for the profiles
  • Quantity: Whole part of a number , for example If 4.5 is the bottle quantity 4 is the whole part and 5 is decimal part
  • Partial Quantity: Decimal part
  • Quantity Unit: Measurement unit of bottle quantity. Units are ounce and millilitres
  • Bottle subtype: Formula bottle or Breast Milk bottle
  • Bottle timer type: start, pause, resume, stop, cancel.

Command Format:
Alexa ask Hubble baby to {bottle timer type} {bottle subtype} of {quantity} point {partial quantity} {quantity unit} for {name}

Alexa, ask Hubble baby to start formula bottle for Jane
Alexa, ask Hubble baby to start breast bottle for my baby
Alexa, ask Hubble baby to pause bottle timer for Jane
Alexa, ask Hubble baby to resume bottle timer for Jane
Alexa, ask Hubble baby to End bottle feeding of 25 millilitres for Jane
Alexa, ask Hubble baby to cancel bottle timer for Jane


  • Instead of start, pause, resume, end and cancel. You can use I started, I paused, I resumed, I canceled, I ended.
  • Only “quantity” and “bottle timer type” attributes are mandatory. 
  • For other attributes, skill will ask “bottle subtype” and “quantity unit” if not specified.

Commands to add solid feeding:


  • Name: Name given for the profile.
  • Solid subtype: Solid feedings are classified into following categories fruits, cereals, fish, meat, dairy, bread, rice, veggies, juice, other category.

Command Format:
Alexa, ask Hubble baby to log {solid subtype} for {name}
Alexa, tell Hubble baby {name} ate {solid subtype}

Alexa, ask Hubble baby to log a fruits feeding for Jane
Alexa, ask Hubble baby to log a meat feeding for Jane
Alexa, tell Hubble baby Jane ate meat


  • Instead of log you can use I fed, save, add, track.
  • Only “solid subtype” attribute is mandatory.

Commands to get feeding details:


  • Name: Name given for the profiles
  • Feeding Type: bottle , nursing, solid. Obtain details based on feeding type.

Command Format: 
Alexa, ask Hubble baby how many {feeding type} for {name}
Alexa, ask Hubble baby last {feeding type} for {name}


Alexa, ask Hubble baby how many milk bottles for Jane

Alexa, ask Hubble baby how many nursings for Jane
Alexa, ask Hubble baby how many solid feedings for Jane
Alexa, ask Hubble baby how much has Jane eaten today
Alexa, ask Hubble baby today's feeding for Jane
Alexa, ask Hubble baby last bottle for Jane
Alexa, ask Hubble baby last nursing for Jane
Alexa, ask Hubble baby last solid feeding for Jane
Alexa, ask Hubble baby last feeding for Jane


  • No attribute is mandatory for getting feeding details.
  • “last” keyword is used to get the most recent feeding details.
Updated on November 22, 2021

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